Accreditation & Partnerships

The following is a list of the commendations given to Kirkwood Christian by the Accreditation Visiting Committee Members in 2022:
- The Kirkwood Christian Schools core curriculum is an example of Biblical integration. The unique 8 affective continuums lay a foundation for the development of Christian character and academic success. This is clearly evidenced in a review of academic materials and interviews with students and families.
- The commitment of KCS to partner with the family in raising Christian young people is demonstrated in the welcoming atmosphere and close relationships of teachers and parents. The mission statement clearly states their belief that the primary responsibility for educating a child lies with the parent. KCS embraces a partnership with the parents in helping achieve this shared goal. Evidence of the success of this partnership model was clear in interviews with parents and teachers.
- The school demonstrates its commitment to the success of each student through its philosophy of individualized instruction and teaching the student to be responsible and invested in his or her education. Instructional technology is utilized daily to develop competency in core subject areas, ownership of learning, and promoted goal setting. The unique continuums provide a structure for each student to succeed academically, develop spiritual growth, and grow emotionally and socially. This is evident in the classroom instruction style, daily schedules, school documents, curriculum, and in interviews with stakeholders.
- Staff prioritizes spiritual formation by maintaining Christian conduct, modeling service to others, living out God’s word, and praying with families. The warm family atmosphere and foundational commitment to Christian growth create a visible Christian community that fosters a Biblical lens in the hearts and minds or students. This is clear in conversations with stakeholders and observations by visiting team.
- The visiting team commends the school administration for exceptional service to their school community during COVID pandemic. Their valiant efforts to meet protocols, implement safety measures and modify classroom settings allowed them to remain open throughout the pandemic and continue their academic program and support working parents. This oasis of stability in the midst of the chaotic impact of the COVID pandemic strongly supported the emotional safety and continued achievement of their students. This was clearly evidenced in conversation with all stake holders.
The following is a list of commendations given to Kirkwood Christian Schools by the Accreditation Visiting Committee Members in 2016:
- KCS has developed and clearly communicates their statement of faith, philosophy, vision, mission, core values, and expected schoolwide outcomes through multiple means and methods making their commitment evident throughout all aspects of the program. KCS thoroughly and consistently communicates its statement of faith, philosophy, vision, mission, core values, and expected schoolwide outcomes both orally, online, and in print. It is evident through the understanding and support from its constituents and the community.
- All administrators, faculty and staff have a clear testimony of faith in Christ, and a commitment to live a Christlike lifestyle. This is reflected in the relationships they have with students, staff and each other. All personnel are committed believers who are involved in church, sign a statement of faith in agreement with KCS, and sign and abide by a Code of Moral Conduct. They enjoy positive relationships with each other, the students, and families at KCS.
- KCS has created and implemented an instructional program that is Biblically based, focused on essential knowledge, provides feedback on student progress, and technology acquisition. KCS’s computerized core instructional program is thorough and well-developed. Administration is responsive to staff, allowing input on modifications and additional resources needed. New curriculum is added as the need arises.
- The administration, faculty and staff exhibit a high degree of engagement with the children making the classrooms a warm and safe environment for learning to happen. There is a warm and nurturing relationship with the students and Kirkwood Christian Schools’ feels this is a hallmark for the school. They are engaged in the cognitive and spiritual development of each child, and pay attention to affirming children as they learn.
KCS provides a clean, and well maintained facility that is conductive to enhancing the quality of the instructional program for all students. The school campus has a well maintained and esthetically pleasing environment that encourages student learning in all areas of the program. The school complies with all federal, state, and local laws that ensure the health and safety of all students. Written policies and guidelines are in place for fire, emergency and lock down procedures. - The administrator, director, faculty and staff have created a culture in which Christ is the center, where a strong, spiritual foundation is developed that results in a growing Christian faith. There is a warm, nurturing environment that encourages children to grow in, and explore faith with connection to real life. Staff demonstrate their own walks of faith through their connections to the children and their families, through prayer and modeling in the classroom.
The following is a list of commendations given to Kirkwood Christian Schools by the Accreditation Visiting Committee Members in 2010:
- The board and administration for maintaining a supportive and collaborative partnership in their leadership roles, which establishes a culture of openness, promotes unity, and positively impacts the operation of the school.
- The faculty and staff for being Christ-like role models to the students, parents and each other helping to build a community where all are treated with godly respect and love as well as nurtured in Biblically principals.
- The administration for a systematic method of assigned student learning and development that informs the school of achieved educational objectives.
- Developing an individualized educational curriculum based on mastery learning that allows students to meet age and grade-level learning goals at their own pace, thereby providing differentiation of instruction for all learners.
- The administration for developing and implementing a curriculum that addresses the affective learning domains including self-esteem, value of work ethics, individual goal setting, personal standards of best work, and investment of energy resulting in a student motivation and quality of work.
- The administration, faculty and staff for their clear testimony of faith in Christ and personal lifestyle standard Christian based program.