
Kirkwood’s Mission

Our mission is to provide a system of education that lays the foundation for every child to become a success through the development of Christian character and academic excellence.

Kirkwood’s Vision

It is our goal to collaborate with families in order to make a community of support and to ensure that each child entrusted to us can grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is our belief that each child can become a powerful instrument in the hands of the Lord in order to make this world a better place.

Core Values

1. Christian Character – KCS provides a framework of Christian character through Bible study and value development.

2. Academic Excellence – KCS provides an individualized academic program that encourages students to do and be their best academically;

3. Partnership – KCS believes that a child learns best when in a unified community of support from both family and school;

4. Growth in Love and Knowledge of Jesus Christ – KCS believes that the most important knowledge taught at a Christian school is the truth about Jesus Christ and the Bible; and

5. Models of Christ – KCS believes that every child has a special place and calling on their life. KCS believes that each child can become a powerful instrument in the hands of the Lord to make this world a better place.